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타잔 영어공부 구간반복 #14

category 영어공부/타잔 2018. 8. 15. 07:00

타잔 대본으로 같이 재미있게 영어 공부해요 :)

* 영상은 유튜브에 업로드 해놓았습니다! 보면서 같이 공부하세요 :)

타잔#14 유튜브 영상보기

- Wow! Come here, you guys! Come here, come here, come here. Look at this! / Mungo : What is that? 

- Terk : Stay with me, fellas. I feel something happening here.

- Jane : Ahh, gorillas! He's one of them!

- Porter : Oh, Jane! Oh, thank goodness. / Clayton : Good heavens, what happened?

- Jane : Oh, my goodness! Daddy! I was out walking. I was--. / Porter : Yes, yes.

- Jane : Little baby monkey. I drew a picture. / Porter : Yes, go on. / Jane : Suddenly the monkey starts crying. 

Jane : I turned around and there's a whole fleet of them! There's an army of monkeys. A huge tree full of them. 

- Jane : Terrified, I was. Terrified. Suddenly, I was swinging in the vines up in the air. 

- Jane : And I'm all surrounded. / Porter : What did you do? / Jane : And Daddy.

- they took my boot. / Porter : They took... Those are the ones I bought you. / Jane : And I was saved!

- I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth.

Clayton : What is she talking about? / Porter : I haven't the foggiest idea. Takes after her mother, you know.

- She'd come up with stories like that. Not about men in loincloths, of course. / Jane : Ooh, and there were gorillas. / Porter & Clayton : Gorillas?

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