타잔 대본으로 같이 재미있게 영어 공부해요 :)
* 영상은 유튜브에 업로드 해놓았습니다! 보면서 같이 공부하세요 :)
- You ingrate! You bald ingrate! Go on and rot, for all I care! Go!
- What are you looking at? / Tantor : I'm gonna miss him too.
- Jane : Tarzan, you can't imagine what's in store for you.
- You're going to see the world. Everyone's going to want to meet you.
- Kings, scientists and famous writers. / Porter : Yes! Darwin and Kipling! Queen Victoria!
- Jane : I haven't met her, but I heard she's awfully nice. / Tarzan : And I'll be with Jane? / Jane : Yes, with Jane. Ooh! Slippery.
- Clayton : What's going on here? / Tarzan : Clayton! Clayton, help! / Clayton : Have we met?
- Ah, yes. The ape man. As I So sorry about the rude welcome, old boy,
- but I couldn't have you making a scene, when we put your furry friends in their cages.
- Tarzan : Why? / Clayton : Why? For 300 pounds sterling a head.
- Actually, I have you to thank, my boy. Couldn't have done it without you.
오타나 오역이 있으면 댓글로 알려주세요!
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