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보스베이비 대본으로 같이 재미있게 영어 공부해요 :)

* 영상은 유튜브에 업로드 해놓았습니다! 보면서 같이 공부하세요 :)

보스베이비#43 재생목록 유튜브 영상보기

- Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I got this! / Are you okay? / Is the baby all right? / Yes, the baby's fine. / Who was that?

- That was me! / The baby's fine.

- It won't budge! Wait a second! Hey. I know a way to move my parents. / How? / We can use the puppies!

- I need upsies. / But what if you "go baby" again? / It'll be fine. / Hang on to your diaper!

- We're moving! / Why are we moving? / All right, Mom and Dad, hang on!

- T-minus 30 seconds. / Oh, no! Wait! Hold on! / Go, Tim! Get your parents...out of here.

- You've gotta jump! Come on, it's a piece of cake! No! No patty cake! Get down!

- Don't cry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry!

- Three... / Gotcha! / two, one. Blast off!

- Hey, are you still in there? / Aha! What happened? Did we win? / We won!

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