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보스베이비 대본으로 같이 재미있게 영어 공부해요 :)

* 영상은 유튜브에 업로드 해놓았습니다! 보면서 같이 공부하세요 :)

보스베이비#38 재생목록 유튜브 영상보기

- Hello! This is Captain Ross. Ladies and gentlemen, and those in coach...please fasten your seat belts. We're about to take off.

- What's the matter, Templeton? / My parents always hold my hand during takeoff.

- Boy, the stocks are crazy today. / What are you two boys doing up here?

- We're Captain Ross's kids. He told us to sit here.

- Well, can I get you special guys anything? / Anything? / Anything.

- Aye! All right, Francis Francis. This will teach you to kidnap the parents of One-Eyed Tim.

- Oh, please. If only it were that easy. / What's your plan?

- You're not gonna write a memo, are you? / No.

- Come on. You said you never really had a childhood, right? Why don't you give it a try?

Here, let's get you into character. / I don't know. I feel silly! / Go on! Say something mean to him. / All right, all right, all right.

- So, you went to a community college, is it? I don't know.

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