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보스베이비 대본으로 같이 재미있게 영어 공부해요 :)

* 영상은 유튜브에 업로드 해놓았습니다! 보면서 같이 공부하세요 :)

보스베이비#24 재생목록 유튜브 영상보기

- I just threw up a noodle and swallowed it. / Here comes the choo-choo train! / No.

Who's there? I got a racket! / What's going on in here? / I'm just feeding the baby.

- I don't wear nautical. It's not even Friday! / Come on, you're putting this thing on!

- You gonna make me? You can't make me, punk.

- What have you done to me? / Stop! Get back here! / No! No way.

- Tim, what are you doing in here? / Oh, no. / Hey, what's all the racket?

- Isn't he adorable? / I've got one for you, too! Ahoy, matey!

- What? / Bummer. / Smile! / Smile for the camera. / It makes me feel weak.

- Who's ticklish? / It doesn't work on me. / Here? / I'm dead down there. / Come on, everyone has a tickle spot.

- Come here, look at this. / "And then, Hansel and Gretel...pushed the wicked old woman into the oven."

- "And the godless witch was miserably burnt to death."

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